
Hurlingham Waterfront

Delivering a cost-effective, waterfront mixed-use development

Hurlingham Waterfront is a prestigious mixed-use development situated on the north bank of the Thames River, comprising 269 luxury residential units and approximately 3,000mĀ² of retail space.

Walsh played a pivotal role in providing innovative engineering solutions to produce an economic and buildable design, despite various design and on-site challenges, through strategic project management expertise.

Substantial replacement works were originally proposed to the river walls due to concerns with durability and anchor blocks that clashed with the proposed buildings. We successfully justified the retention of much of the existing river wall structure. Where necessary we relocated and reanchored the tie rods to a new capping beam, incorporating the temporary works within the permanent solution. As the river wall in this location forms part of the flood defences, we needed to gain approval from The Environment Agency for all of the works.

Another challenge of the scheme was incorporating the many step backs in the building and the varying layouts between floors. By collaborating closely with the design team, we were able to fine-tune layouts and strategically place columns and walls to minimise the transfer structure, resulting in savings on cost, concrete volume, embodied carbon and programme timeline.

On-site challenges included issues with piling due to obstructions in the ground. This required a proactive approach from our structural, geotechnical and civils teams to provide minimum-impact solutions at short notice.

  • Rockwell
  • Hamiltons Architects
  • Oā€™Halloran and Oā€™Brien (OHOB)
Completion Date2026

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