
Kew Bridge (Brentford FC)

Managing complex third party approvals from pre-planning to delivery

Walsh provided expert advice required to guide the client team through complicated and lengthy statutory approvals during the planning process, enabling the project to progress into construction stages.

The triangular site is bound by Network Rail assets on all three sides including two freight lines and a passenger line. Walsh have taken a lead role in the negotiations with Network Rail and acted as Contractors Responsible Engineer.

Pre-planning, Walsh prepared the ā€˜Approval in Principleā€™ documentation (often referred to as Form 1, and over 1800 pages). We also successfully resolved 118 comments received from Network Rail to gain the necessary approvals required to give the project funders confidence.

A key challenge involved the major sewer running through part of the site. Walsh designed an innovative solution to obtain a build-over consent and diversion agreement by providing Thames Water access under the site, without having to actually enter the site itself.

As well as the approvals, Walsh provided full civil and structural engineering services, helping the Architect ensure that the building is both buildable and practical, and as efficient as possible.

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