Empowering Future Engineers: Walsh Contribute to Nottingham University’s Constructionarium Module

Last week, Alex represented our team at Nottingham University’s Faculty of Engineering, contributing to the prestigious Department of Civil Engineering’s annual Constructionarium module. We are honoured to be invited each year to deliver a comprehensive presentation on the foundational engineering theory behind the projects that final-year students will undertake.

Our session encompassed in-depth discussions on design processes and the breakdown of RC drawings, aimed at arming these aspiring engineers with the knowledge and competencies needed to effectively navigate the complexities of constructing real-world structures.

As advocates of hands-on learning, we are looking forward to the next steps in the module, which is our journey to Norfolk alongside the students. There they will transform these theoretical concepts into tangible structures. Stay tuned for updates as we follow along the journey of the next generation of civil and structural engineers!


Taking Sustainability Seriously

Sustainability is in our DNA and we have our own ambitious goals to achieve Net Zero as a business and with our designs. With innovative in-house monitoring tools, Walsh clients have seen on average reductions of 10-20% total embodied carbon, with some of our flagship work achieving 60-70% reductions compared with baseline figures.