Showcasing the Past: CPD on Reuse and Celebrating Existing Structures

Professional development is a top priority at Walsh, and today Garreth and Eoin had the privilege to deliver a CPD presentation focusing on our refurbishment expertise and engineering insights to Gardiner&Theobald (G&T).

During the session, they dived into the intricacies of some of our most noteworthy refurbishment projects (9 Millbank, Westfield Extension, The Stage), showcasing our ‘Golden Refurb Rules’ and best practices that have served as the cornerstone of our success.

To explore our Refurb specialism further, visit Retrofit, Reuse & Repurposing | Walsh for detailed insights.

From pioneering engineering solutions aimed at expediting project timelines to sustainable techniques geared towards reducing carbon footprints, we left no stone unturned!

Our team is passionate about driving excellence in every aspect of refurbishment to maximise reuse and deliver sustainable results through collaboration, so if you’re interested in learning more or would like us to share similar insights with your team, please get in touch!

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