Walsh Joins Climate Group SteelZero and ConcreteZero Campaigns

We are delighted to join forces with the Climate Group who share our vision of a net zero world by 2050 and have joined the #SteelZero and #ConcreteZero campaigns.

Given the Built Environment is a major contributor to carbon emissions – a stunning 40% worldwide – at Walsh we don’t believe that inaction is an option!

We have committed to:
⭕ 50% low emission steel by 2030 and 100% net zero steel by 2040 and;
⭕ 30% low emission concrete by 2025 and 50% by 2030, with a long-term target of using 100% net zero concrete by 2040

We believe that good engineering can cut embodied carbon by at least 20% and through constant monitoring and our core value in lean design, we believe that we are starting to make a material difference.

Our in-depth knowledge of the various stakeholders in the UK construction sector will help identify the greatest opportunity to drive a change.

Find out more on Walsh’s approach to sustainability

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Taking Sustainability Seriously

Sustainability is in our DNA and we have our own ambitious goals to achieve Net Zero as a business and with our designs. With innovative in-house monitoring tools, Walsh clients have seen on average reductions of 10-20% total embodied carbon, with some of our flagship work achieving 60-70% reductions compared with baseline figures.